full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Andreas Ekström: The moral bias behind your search results

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And how? He told all of his readers the following, "Go out there on the Internet, find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks — find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks — publish them in your feeds, on your wtsiebes, on your bglos. Make sure to write the terrorist's name in the caption, make sure to name the picture file "Breivik.jpeg." Let's teach Google that that's the face of the trrsrieot." And it worked. Two years after that cipmgaan against Michelle Obama, this manipulation campaign against Anders breihng Breivik worked. If you picture-Googled for him weeks after the July 22 events from Sweden, you'd see that picture of dog poop high up in the srceah rtuless, as a little protest.

Open Cloze

And how? He told all of his readers the following, "Go out there on the Internet, find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks — find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks — publish them in your feeds, on your ________, on your _____. Make sure to write the terrorist's name in the caption, make sure to name the picture file "Breivik.jpeg." Let's teach Google that that's the face of the _________." And it worked. Two years after that ________ against Michelle Obama, this manipulation campaign against Anders _______ Breivik worked. If you picture-Googled for him weeks after the July 22 events from Sweden, you'd see that picture of dog poop high up in the ______ _______, as a little protest.


  1. results
  2. campaign
  3. behring
  4. blogs
  5. terrorist
  6. search
  7. websites

Original Text

And how? He told all of his readers the following, "Go out there on the Internet, find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks — find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks — publish them in your feeds, on your websites, on your blogs. Make sure to write the terrorist's name in the caption, make sure to name the picture file "Breivik.jpeg." Let's teach Google that that's the face of the terrorist." And it worked. Two years after that campaign against Michelle Obama, this manipulation campaign against Anders Behring Breivik worked. If you picture-Googled for him weeks after the July 22 events from Sweden, you'd see that picture of dog poop high up in the search results, as a little protest.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
search result 6
anders behring 4
search engine 3
unbiased search 3
michelle obama 3
search results 3
dog poop 3
pretty good 2
good indication 2
find pictures 2
behring breivik 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
unbiased search result 2
pretty good indication 2
anders behring breivik 2

Important Words

  1. anders
  2. behring
  3. blogs
  4. breivik
  5. campaign
  6. dog
  7. events
  8. face
  9. feeds
  10. file
  11. find
  12. google
  13. high
  14. internet
  15. jpeg
  16. july
  17. manipulation
  18. michelle
  19. obama
  20. picture
  21. pictures
  22. poop
  23. protest
  24. publish
  25. readers
  26. results
  27. search
  28. sidewalks
  29. sweden
  30. teach
  31. terrorist
  32. told
  33. websites
  34. weeks
  35. worked
  36. write
  37. years